This piece is for an upcoming show performed by my client, Femmes and Follies. They are having their 3rd Annual Comic Book Burlesque show, and the owner wanted a comic book babes theme. Final piece was completed using a mix of Procreate on iPad Pro, Photoshop CC, and Comic Life 3.

This was the sketch I pitched to the client. Done with Procreate on iPad Pro with an Apple Pencil

The main pencilling and ink were completed in Procreate, on an iPad Pro, using an Apple Pencil.

I like setting up in-document palettes so I don't have to keep coming back to the color picker. Plus it helps with consistency.

I probably didn't need to put anywhere near as much detail in the lips as I did… but I wanted to.

I haven't illustrated many women before. Pinterest was an invaluable reference for when I started applying colors for things like makeup. It was a great reference for everthing else as well, but it was super helpful since I had no experience in eyeshadow. It also helped me realize that Poison Ivy's eye's were way too big at first.